Sunday, February 20, 2011


I went swimming today at the Theresianbad swimming pool, without realizing that it is Sunday. And what does Sunday mean? It means that kids are not in school. Where do kids go when they are not in school? To fun venues like pools. Not a problem in America, where we use lanes, but here in Austria, they aren't very big on swimming and thus pools don't really have lap swimming. So basically rather than swimming laps, I swam zip zags dodging various obstacles. I got kicked in the faced by the various Austrian swimmers, who apparently only like to do breaststroke, the most space consuming stroke known to man. I got hit in the face by a beach ball thrown by a small child. And later a large father jumped to catch said beach ball and not only missed by landed on top of me. Whee. But about halfway through another swimmer showed up and together we created an unofficial, circle-swimming lane, which people began to avoid. A two woman take over. Loved it. Then I realized I forgot my towel and had to use my t-shirt. Moral of the story: I should avoid the pool on Sundays.

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