Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day Six: Barcelona

Sunny, sunny beautiful Spain! Although we woke up this morning in dreary drizzling Bremen, we got ourselves the heck out of there and arrived safely in Barcelona! Well actually, thanks to Ryanair, we ended up in Girona, about an hour north of Barcelona, but the sun soaked southernly bus trip was ok by me! Once we really arrived in Barcelona, found our hostel and got unpacked, we headed out to see the sights, more specifically, the water!

Palm Trees!!! The first of many photos you will see of them!

Our first view of the Mediterranean!

Barcelona's sea level bridge

The Harbor!

We headed into the city for lunch and found a place serving real Catalan specialties!

Palm Trees!

We watched the sun set over Montjuic...

and ate waffles covered in Nutella in honor of International Nutella Day!

I hate pigeons and seagulls are the pigeons of the sea. But Pablo hung around long enough that I named him.

After the sun set, we spotted some Chinese lanterns flying high in the sky and followed them until we found a Chinese New Year festival! This is the main stage where we saw anything from tai chi to fan dances to even some flamenco dancers!

The festival included dancing dragons, food stands (I got some shui mai!), and live musical performances!

Once the sun set, it got cold and our overzealous lack of layers made us have to turn in for the night! After a great first afternoon in Barcelona!

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