Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day Fourteen: Dublin to Vienna

Our last day was still quite filled with touristy things! To start we took another of our favorite free tours of the city!

Stop one was Dublin Castle where we got the beginning of the crazy history of Ireland.

Around on the back side of Dublin Castle, you find lego land!

We made our way to Christchurch Cathedral

Along the way spotting the many colorful doors of Dublin! I found out they were famous for this because I saw some postcards.

We wandered into Temple Bar and found an artsy area with this fun poem

The river! And sun!

Eventually we ended up on the campus of Trinity College!

In the center of the Quad at Trinity college

A matching sculpture to the one in the Vatican - which I also have a photo of!

After our tour, we hopped on a bus and made our way to one of the parks on the edge of the city, for some quality time with green grass!

Picnic on the lawn!

The crocus were already in bloom!

We found the park to be a wide array of manicured landscapes, open fields, and wild free ranging foliage.

Then we came across a rather large Washington Monument-esque statue, which we sat upon and people watched for some time.

The view from our perch on the "Washington Monument" of Dublin!

For dinner we headed to O'Neill's Pub (in honor of my cousin Laura, who has some O'Neill in her!) and I got myself some Fish and Chips

And of course a pint of Guiness!

Worth every cent!

After O'Neills closed, we made our way to Temple Bar to find some live Irish music, which we watched for a while before calling it a night and heading back to the hostel for our last night away from home!

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