Saturday, January 22, 2011


Here is a quick photo summary of the first day of my trip to Salzburg with my roommate Jessica. We wandered the city, visited churches, got lunch at an old traditional breadmaker who works under a church, we visited the Hohensalzburg Fortress, got to see a Carneval parade and more! If you want more details, feel free to comment and I'll get back to you!

Some of the detail of Salzburgs old buildings

The gorgeous interior of the Cathedral

The organs which Mozart played on as the church organist

An art exhibit in the crypt

One of the many church spires dotting the skyline of Salzburg

Market in the Markt!

Schoko Brezel!

We accidentally ended up in Salzburg during a Euromusik Carneval!


Carneval Costumes!

We got confettied!

More of the fun costumes!


View from a hill overlooking Salzburg


Inside the fancy rooms of the Hohensalzburg Fortress

On top of the observation tower of the Hohensalzburg

Walking along the hilltop to the Modern Art Museum!

Nighttime over Salzburg!

New Nighttime View!

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