Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wien: Zweite Mal

I arrived yesterday in Vienna, after a smooth flight and with my 24 kg suitcase, 7.4 kg carry on, and my laptop bag/purse in tow. I caught the S7 back to the city and took the U4 back to mi casa, where I then carried all of my luggage up the 122 stairs in one fell swoop. Victory dance at the top of the stairs? Why yes, that did happen.

Coming back to Vienna was in some ways harder and in some easier than the first time. Packing was easier, since I already had most of my stuff here and most of what I was bringing back was cheap American toiletries in giant oversized bottles (none of which exploded! Victory dance part 2!). Leaving my family and friends was so much easier this time around. I had already done 5 months solid away from home, which was the longest I've gone in my entire life. This semester is only one month longer, but Ali and Eileen are visiting, so it feels about the same. I knew that I could do it. Unfortunately the hard part was also leaving everyone. I had an amazing 3 weeks in America and was lucky enough to see and spend time with many of my friends and family. The problem with having it be amazing, is that when you leave it, its just that much harder.

I am so excited to be back in Wien and wouldn't trade the next 6 months for anything, but that doesn't mean my mind and my heart isn't often with all of you back home.

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