Friday, January 14, 2011

Johnald comes to Wien

My friend John, who I've known and spoken (sometimes bad) german with since freshman year of college, arrived yesterday in Vienna. He begins his European college adventure next week, with a 10 week intensive language programs before starting a semester at Tübigen in Germany. But before the learning starts, he is hanging out here with me for a week.

Since John has already been to Wien and done the touristy stuff, we are basically just bumming around doing his two favorite European things: seeing Churches and eating Torte. In these first few days, we've conquered more than half of the first district churches, most of which I'd never noticed or heard of before and had only one stop for torte (so far) at Cafe Schwarzenberg, the oldest cafe on the Ring, where we sampled the Mozartbombe torte. We also popped into the the Haus des Meers to enjoy the fishys and we also spent several hours at Naturhistorisches Museum. And tomorrow we are headed off to Bratislava for some Slovakian fun!

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