Monday, January 31, 2011
Day One: Overnight Train to Köln
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Birthday Extravaganza!
During dinner, they gave me an adorable gift which included birthday gift shaped pasta and we all know pasta is so much better when there are fun shapes involed! Which was so great in and of itself, but they told me it wasn't over yet. Mayo and I were going to go shoe shopping after lunch and I could pick out any pair that I want!
We went out to to a place on the U6, which had two stores full of reasonably priced shoes, aka my heaven. We wandered once through both, before taking a more determined walk through. I found several pairs of low heels I liked, but then I found a pair of brown suede boots. Now, I have been looking for brown boots for quite some time and since I bought leather boots last semester, I figure it's high time for some suede ones! We purchased them and hopped back onto the UBahn to meet up with Edita in the city for dessert.
We met up near Stephansdom and on our way toward Zanoni and Zanoni for birthday ice cream, Edita headed over toward Swarovski. I figured she was checking out the latest display, which is always something worth seeing, but then she headed inside. It wasn't even over yet. We went upstairs and they told me I could pick out anything I want. I found a necklace on a gold chain with a modern gold design encircling a good-sized Swarvski crystal. I pass by that store almost every day, but I never thought I would actually own anything from it. I kept my pinky up, as I walked out holding my little Swarovski bag.
We made our way to Zanoni and Zanoni and enjoyed some of their creative Gelato concoctions. I had actually been craving a milkshake for some time and got a Pistachio Chocolate one that was delicious! And the perfect end to a truly incredible day, full of easily some of the best birthday gifts ever, mostly because of the amazing (and surprising) experience, through which I got them! Thanks times a million to Mayo, Kay, and Edita!!!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Technical University Ball
Our U3 pumpkin carriage took us (almost) directly there.
My roommates Morgan and Jessica, and I in the main ballroom of the Hofburg Palace. The main ballroom housed a small chamber orchestra, and a big band during break, a dance floor with room for hundreds of waltzing couples (left background), and literally the most expensive seats in the house (right background).
There were many rooms thorughout the palace for dancing with jazz, salsa, and popular music among others. There were at least three different bar areas with smoking lounges, the grand entry way and staircase, a smaller less grand entry way and staircase, and numerous rooms with tables for those who had the money to purchase them.

Towards the end of the night we got tired and silly, and wandering the palace found this statue. I play the role of the dead sheep.
The evening was just as magical as I ever could have dreamt of, minus any lost shoes and princes chasing me. And I cannot wait to do it again, hopefully soon!!!
Special Thanks to my roommates, Jess and Morgan, for allowing me to borrow their photos. My large DSLR didn't really accessorize well with the outfit.