Sunday, September 5, 2010

Free Museum Sundays

Before locking myself up in my apartment to work on my German Referat, I spent a day on the town with my friends soaking up Free Museum Sunday! On the first Sunday of every month, there are a bunch of museums that open up for free and we figure we will use this time to hit up all the museums we don't want to pay for but should probably see. Today we went to the Wien Museum for their exhibit on "Wien in Film."

You walk into the dark exhibition hall and see screens hanging from the ceiling attached with what looks like nothing. These floating screens are paired with floating plaques explaining the movie clip or series thereof. On the black carpet floor, bold white letters pronouce the type of clips in the area, for example "Love in Wien" or "Wien and the War." Depending on the size of the screen and what it is showing, they are equipped with overhead speakers that contain the sound to the area right in front of the screen or with a series of headphone sets with which to listen. Impecably designed, the exhibit was incredibly interesting and a great way to view Vienna.

Post Wien Museum we attempted to find the Roman Museum, but ended up just getting Käsewurst at a stand on Kärtnerstrasse and just people watching for a bit, since the heavily used Kärtnerstasse always has some imteresting characters. Sometimes the present is much more fun than the past.

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