Friday, September 3, 2010

24 Stunden Wien

This Friday marked the first weekend where the Viennese U-Bahn (aka subway) was open for 24 hours from Friday to Sunday. To celebrate this momentous occasion, 35 bars and clubs all over the city were free to everyone with a ticket, which I just happened to have.

Our RAs hosted a Schnitzel dinner in our apartment before the night began and our apt was crowded with the other IESers from the building (there are about 15 of us in total). The schitzel was really good, since Alex - one of our Resident Austrians (RAs) - is a chef. My friends and I left a bit earlier than planned because it was just too hot and crazy in the apartment.

We got to the U-Bahn station near the Prater, Vienna's amusement park with the famous ferris wheel, and waited for the rest of our friends to show up. We knew we wanted to go to the Prater Dome, the largest club in at least Austria and I believe also Europe, because when else are we going to go? Problem was, we didn't really know where the Prater Dome is. So once my friends showed up, I decided we should just start following the girl in the highest heels with the shortest skirt. What a surprise, it took us right to the line.

We headed in and after wandering about for a while checking out all the various rooms, Jane and I headed to the main dance floor and partied it up with the kiddos, who enjoy mostly just standing and bopping up and down. We had a great time and especially enjoyed the following song and the guy who danced hilariously to it:

I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

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