You only wish you were where I am right now:

Notice the large dome on the right side, I am across the street. Below is a photo of the dome from the front. Go ahead, be a little jealous.
When Mayo, my Viennese exchange student from a few years ago, found out she was going to be in Spain when I got here, she got me in contact with her friend from school. His father and him hosted me and were most gracious. Although I did get lost a little bit trying to find my way there and eventually, with the help of a surprisingly friendly Viennese woman in the U-Bahn, I found my way to their beautiful apartment. Where I proceeded to nap for several hours, waking up only in time to walk to a Spar grocery store and pick up a half off pastry (closing time! woo!) and then eat it in Stadtpark on my way to the IES Abroad Center.
Stadtpark is one of Vienna's many public parks, all of which are incredibly well maintained and manicured. This was just one example, with ornate stone archways, sculptures and even benches surrounding a manmade waterway.
After stopping by my future campus, which by the way is housed in an old baroque palace, I slowly wandered back, noting the surprising amount of H&Ms along the way. All that is left for the night is repacking for my Orientation in Mariazell tomorrow and more sleep!
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