I have a feeling this blog will include a lot about food... For instance, today I made myself a lovely dinner of salmon in black bean sauce on a rice bed! Mostly because I went to the market and found cheap frozen salmon filets! I am very excited because that means meat! Even if it is fish! I could afford meat! I don't know if you understand how happy that made me. Either way, I was excited and (over)cooked it for dinner. Turned out pretty well, although over cooked a bit since I had no tin foil to really bake it in.

You wish you had this lamp.
Earlier in the day, when I was at the market I was looking for flour and such to make things like pancakes and bread. You know, because bread is so difficult to find in a pastry centric, bread shopped filled city... I guess I just really like fresh bread out of the oven and I usually by mine the night before so it is half off. You never have to wait for homemade bread to go on sale! Anywho, I wandered around the store reading labels and found one with a german recipe that I half understood, so I got that thinking it was bread flour. Unfortunately it was not bread flour, but fortunately it was a premade bread mixture that was just add water! Easy peasy! So I added my water, kneaded until I was happy, let it rise and then baked it and poof, fresh baked bread. I really don't understand why people don't do this more often, it is economical and yummy! I have a feeling more bread is in my future. Anywho, I ate a piece of bread with my yummy salmon meal.
So basically the point of this post is that my dinner was the highlight of my day. Nothing exciting really happened. Just bread and salmon.
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