Saturday, December 18, 2010

Flight Updates!

I went to the airport this morning - left at 3 am after half an hour of sleep - where after a mess of fun, we were all told that unless you were flying directly to Amsterdam to be in Amsterdam, then you could not fly on the flight and they would not check you in.

Luckily, since I had left at 3 in the morning to get there, I was the first person in line and the second to the reticketing window. At the time, many of the major hubs were canceling flights left and right and the standbys for almost everything were totally full. So, I am confirmed on a direct flight from Vienna to Toronto tomorrow, at 10:30, arriving at 2:00. The I leave Toronto for Detroit at 16:15 and land at 17:35 on a small jet plane (with propellers!!!).

Alas, I will not be home today, but I should get out tomorrow, since Vienna is still flying and tomorrow the snow should be stopped. I am lucky, after I was done I totally randomly ran into Abe in the airport - what are the chances?! - and he had spent 17 hours in the airport yesterday trying to get home. Today he again had no luck and is on a flight tomorrow. Yikes. Positive: his Austrian friend drove me home! Negative: I had to lug my present-filled suitcase up 5 flights of stairs. Yikes.

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